7 dangers that accompany early exposure of children to alcohol

Have you heard about influencer Belle Belinha? In recent days, she has been involved in a great controversy, which has brought many discussions on the internet about the early alcohol consumption.

In a video posted on the social networks of influencer, whose account has more than 1 million followers, she appears offering an alcoholic drink to an underage girl, which brought great revolt to many people.

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After the repercussion, the images were deleted from social networks, but the case brought a big question: Do you know the dangers of exposing a minor to alcoholic beverages? Follow next!

7 dangers that early exposure to alcohol can bring to children

Become a dependent user

Many experts claim that the earlier a child is exposed to alcohol, the greater the chances of make a dependent user during their lifetime, especially if that first contact is made before turning 16 years.

can lead to death

Even though many people don't know it, one of the biggest dangers of early exposure to alcohol is that it can lead to death, after all, alcohol is one of the main causes of death for people between 15 and 24 years of age, not only in Brazil, but all over the world. world.

It is true that around 40% of teenagers in Brazil have experienced drinksalcoholics between 12 and 15 years old, even in the environment where they live.

Brings great sequels

Another danger of early alcohol intake is the consequences that these drinks can cause, both emotional and neurochemical.

Alcohol can affect young people's memory, compromise their attention span, reduce their academic performance, slow down their learning and also affect their professional skills.

hinders the development

Another big issue with alcohol for children is that the effect of these drinks can directly affect the brain development, and as a consequence, many skills and many behaviors are also affected.

Makes people more vulnerable

Early exposure to alcohol also makes children and adolescents more vulnerable to different situations, such as sexual violence, for example, after all, their lives become risk.

This is because they can engage in sexual activity early or without protection, leading to different uncomfortable situations and even the appearance of diseases.

Exposure to criminal embarrassment

Pursuant to the Child and Adolescent Statute, offering or selling alcoholic beverages to children under 18 years of age is a crime, and this can lead to a fine or even imprisonment for those who sell the product.

However, children also end up getting involved in the situation and being embarrassed in situations involving the police and/or justice. That is, these individuals may be exposed early to episodes that only adults are prepared to deal with.

can cause accidents

Finally, when people aged 12 (or even younger) to 18 years old are exposed to alcohol, the risk of being involved in traffic accidents is also greater, as well as incidents and homicides.

Try to keep the children and teenagers you know away from alcoholic beverages!

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