Our smartphones are essential parts of our lives, but their security is a serious issue. Even though most of the popular apps are reliable, there are still those malicious ones full of malware, which manage to go unnoticed thanks to the sophisticated techniques of cyber criminals.
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In the digital universe, security is a constant concern. Recently, the digital security company, Kaspersky, revealed the discovery of a malicious trojan called Fleckpe, which has been wreaking havoc on the Google Play Store. Since its detection in 2022, over 620,000 Android devices have been infected by this malware.
Kaspersky experts identified that Fleckpe was present in 11 applications available in the official Android store. The modus operandi of these apps was sneaky: they acted in a way to subscribe users to premium services, all without the knowledge or consent of those affected.
Here are the apps infected with malware on Android phones:
- Fingertip Graffiti;
- Beauty Camera Plus;
- Beauty Photo Camera;
- Night Mode Camera Pro;
- GIF Camera Editor.
It is interesting to note that many of these appsare related to photo editing. Therefore, it is crucial to be careful with the solutions we find on the internet.
Even if they seem to offer satisfactory results, they may be acting illegally in the background.
What does this malware do?
The mechanics of this innovative malware are complex and leave even security experts baffled. When activated, it loads a native library that contains a dropper, a type of trojan, which is responsible for executing a malicious payload of the application.
This malicious payload has as main objective to establish a direct communication with the command server controlled by the threat agents. The ultimate goal of the malware is to capture and transmit sensitive device information to the command server. This includes data such as browsing history, personal information and even passwords.
It is important to highlight that malware creators work hard to go unnoticed by security systems and users only notice the effects when they are already being affected.
Therefore, always research and be very careful when downloading applications on your mobile phone. Stay protected!