5 habits that lower our immunity

We are lucky to have a good immune system, which protects us against invaders, but microorganisms occasionally manage to overcome this barrier. Furthermore, some habits food they can also influence how our body defends itself against viruses, bacteria and even sudden changes in temperature. Fortunately, some changes to our daily routine can help us to be less likely to get sick. Check below the habits that reduce our Immunity and take action!

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5 habits that contribute to low immunity

bite your nails

Viruses, bacteria and fungi that are accumulated in our nails can easily be transported into our organism. If we stick our fingernails in our mouth, these microbes can invade our system and cause damage, ranging from a simple flu to more serious illnesses such as diarrhea and respiratory infections.

Sleep a bit

Scientists have discovered that people who sleep little or do not get continuous sleep reduce their immune function and the number of cells that fight bacteria. For example, sleeping just 4 hours a night for a week cuts your antibodies in half compared to sleeping up to 8 hours.

be pessimistic

An American study showed that pessimistic people had their defense cells reduced, reducing the body's chances of getting rid of disease-causing agents, because they also took less care of themselves and were more stressed.


Not only the act of smoking, but even being around smokers can damage your immunity. Your body's defense may be reduced because the substances in cigarette smoke reduce your overall ability to fight infection. Quitting smoking will help your immune system return to normal function.

touch objects

Many germs and bacteria are passed from person to person through the hands. Therefore, it is ideal that you have your objects, such as paper clips or pens, always with you so that you do not need to borrow them. The more you can avoid picking up objects from public places, the better, if not, wash your hands thoroughly.

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