According to a Harvard study, the world will end in 2026

The possibility of an apocalypse that ends human life on Earth is a subject that has fascinated scholars for many years.

An emblematic case was the Mayan prophecy that made many believe that the world would end in 2012, even yielding a movie about this frightening scenario.

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But what about when the apocalypse is announced by one of the most respected educational institutions in the world and still pointing out credible reasons for the collapse of humanity?

Well then, we are just 3 years away from the end of the world, according to a forecast by scholars at the University of Harvard, in the United States.

What does the study say?

The research, presented in the year 1960, predicted that life on earth would end on the day November 13, 2026. The reason? According to them, the rapid population increase would result in a state in which the available resources would not be enough for everyone, causing a

environmental collapsel. With that, it would be unsustainable to live on our planet.

In a direct quote from the study, the researchers responsible say that “our great-great-grandchildren will not starve, but will be squeezed to death. Right now, the human population will approach infinity if it grows as it has over the past two millennia.”

That would mean that we are living our last years on Earth. That is, if this hypothesis is confirmed, most of us will not live long enough to age.

Can this prediction come true?

As you might imagine, this is an old study, limited to the knowledge and tools that these scholars had at the time.

In 2023, 63 years later, we have enough technology to know that this prediction has no real chance of coming true.

As much as the world already has more than 8 billion inhabitants, there is no evidence that overpopulation leads to the extinction of life in such a short period of time.

This prediction was based on rapid population growth and advancing technology, which was a concern at the time. Since then, science has evolved enough that we can better understand the future of our planet.

So rest assured, this is not the time we will be extinct!

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