3 reasons why you should start reading TODAY

A reading exerts a significant influence on a person's personal and intellectual development.

Besides being a source of knowledge and information, the habit of reading expands the imagination, creativityand the capacity for reflection.

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By engaging with stories and ideas through reading, a person is exposed to different perspectives, cultures and experiences, which contributes to empathy and understanding of the world around around you.

With this, practice improves communication skills, enriches vocabulary and improves writing, influencing a significant growth in our lives. Reading is able to go beyond, integrating different factors in a person's life.

3 reasons why you need to practice reading

1. Achieving emotional intelligence

Reading plays a key role in expanding our knowledge, introducing us to new places,ideas and human experiences.

As we delve into the pages of a book, we are transported to different settings and immersed in the lives of the characters. This immersion allows us to develop empathy.

By understanding and having direct contact with these emotions, we strengthen our emotional intelligence, which is essential for interpersonal relationships and effective communication.

2. Combating stress

Immersion in reading provides a break from the fast pace of life, encouraging mindfulness practice and relaxation.

Studies reveal that this process can lower heart rate and relieve muscle tension, making it an effective tool for stress management.

Thus, the habit of reading not only provides us with pleasure and entertainment, but also offers us a way to find tranquility and balance in the midst of contemporary demands.

3. You will be able to rely on creativity

By exploring different literary genres and writing styles, we are exposed to a variety of perspectives and ideas. This diversity of voices and points of view challenges our way of thinking and encourages us to look for innovative solutions to problems.

Through reading, we are introduced to new and fascinating concepts that can inspire new ideas, inventions and artistic expressions.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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