UNDERSTAND why you keep remembering embarrassing moments

Why is it so hard to delete memory the moments that caused great shame? These embarrassing memories insist on resurfacing at the most inopportune times, being able to cause a desire to hide from the world, even if a long time has passed.

Behind it, there is an enigma that manages to creep in in unwanted ways. Unwanted memories of the past are stored in neural networks, where brain cells make physical connections with each other.

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These connections are shaped by information shared between memories, such as similar events, experienced situations or even related emotions.

Think of each memory as a piece of a complex puzzle. When a trigger happens, be it an experience from the external environment or an internal emotion, a neuron is activated. connected to a specific memory, it can trigger a wide range of connections and bring up other memories related.

It's as if these memories are intertwined, ready to erupt with a moment of ancient shame when something summons them. To differentiate this moment, there are two ways that provoke it.

Remembering lived moments


Intentional recall, as the name implies, occurs when we consciously make an effort to bring specific events to mind, such as remembering what we did yesterday.

It is an active process in which we explore our memory in search of the desired information. In this case, we are directing our attention and thoughts towards recovering lost details.


In addition to voluntary recall, there are also unintentional and spontaneous memories, which seem to come out of nowhere and often take us by surprise.

These memories can be triggered by external stimuli, such as a familiar smell or nostalgic music, or by internal associations, such as emotions or thoughts that activate memory networks. memory related.

While it's uncomfortable to relive these embarrassing situations, it's essential to remember that we all make mistakes and face embarrassing moments throughout our lives.

It's important to develop skills to deal with these memories in a healthy way, so that they don't negatively affect our self-esteem and well-being.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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