Vitamin D in childhood: how a higher dose can impact mental health

Finnish researchers conducted a recent study, published in JAMA Network Open, which offers new perspectives on the possible relationship between childhood vitamin D intake and the risk of mental health problems.

The study aimed to investigate whether the administration of a daily dose of vitamin D3 above the recommendation pattern during the first few years of life could reduce the risk of developing psychiatric symptoms at an older age school.

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The results obtained provide valuable information about the impact of vitamin D on mental health during childhood.

In the context of the clinical trial Vitamin D Intervention in Infants (VIDI), the study was undertaken to investigate the effects of early intervention with vitamin D3 on the growth and development of children. Check the results!

Finnish research finds link between vitamin D and mental health

In the experiment, children were randomly divided into two groups: one group received the standard daily dose of 10 milligrams of vitamin D, while the other group received three times that amount, that is, 30 milligrams. Vitamin D supplementation was administered daily to participants from ages 2 weeks to 2 years.

After monitoring the children, which occurred until they were 6 to 8 years old, the parents of 346 participants were invited to assess the psychiatric symptoms of their children through questions established by the researchers.

The results revealed that daily administration of vitamin D3 at a dose above the standard recommendation had a protective effect against internalization problems at school age.

In summary, the study revealed that children who received a higher dose of vitamin D3 had a significant reduction in occurrence of symptoms such as depression, sadness, shame and anxiety, according to parents' reports, compared to those who received the standard dose.

These findings provide promising evidence on the potential mental health benefits of vitamin D3 supplementation during childhood.

This highlights the importance of an adequate intake of this vitamin during the first few years of life to potentially prevent or reduce school-age psychiatric problems. However, a deepening on the subject is still necessary.

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