Learn how to germinate cashew nuts with this step-by-step guide

Cashew is a fruit widely consumed in Brazil and is native to Brazil. Cashew nut is a nut rich in nutrients and also very popular. Have you ever thought about having your own cashew tree at home? Discover now a step-by-step guide on how to germinate cashew nuts and start your plantation.

What is cashew nut and what are its benefits

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At first it is important to clarify some things. Cashew is famous as if it were the fruit of the cashew tree, however, it is a pseudo fruit. The fruit is the chestnut.

The floral peduncle, which is the pseudofruit, refers to that part that supports the chestnut and has a yellowish, pinkish or red color. These two parts, the floral peduncle and the nut, make up the cashew.

The cashew fruit is rich in vitamin C and iron and the chestnut is a great source of selenium and magnesium. They are very good for the immune system!

In addition to being consumed in natura, various preparations can be made from it, such as cashew apples, cashew sugar, cauim (a type of brandy), cajuína (a non-alcoholic drink) and sweets.

The cashew tree can be planted in small places, as it is a short tree. So you can plant your cashew tree in your own backyard, check out the step by step!


As it is native to Brazil, a tropical country, the cashew tree likes warmer and drier climates, with temperatures around 27°C. Low temperatures, frost and strong winds can negatively affect its development, but windbreaks can be used to protect the plant.

How to germinate chestnuts

Separate the nuts from the rest of the cashew, then bury only the bottom part, the larger part must remain facing out of the ground. Once this is done, water frequently, but without leaving the soil soggy, for 3 weeks, when the seeds will begin to sprout.

After sprouting the cone over the chestnut should fall off by itself and then the cashew tree will start to develop in a better way. Keep your plant exposed to the sun and biweekly between waterings.


It can be done in deep soils, for better root development. Lighter soils with good drainage are recommended. A mulch can be placed where you plant to prevent pests. In the case of home gardens, organic manure-based fertilizer must be applied.

Finally, harvesting should be done when the fleshy part of the cashew nut has an intense color and a very firm texture.

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