THESE are the 9 happiest professions in the world; see if yours is on the list

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Waking up and feeling motivated to start another work day is something that seems utopian to many people. However, there are professions that demonstrate a higher level of satisfaction.

As an example of this, a partnership between Forbes magazine and the University of Chicago, in the USA, created a ranking of the happiest professions in the world.

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That is, these professional areas actually generate satisfaction in their participants, who possibly do not wake up in a bad mood to work. Find out what they are below and see if yours is on the list!

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These are the 9 happiest professions in the world

According to the ranking, these are the happiest professions in the world today:

1 – Psychologist: when it comes to professions that bring happiness, psychologists are always remembered. After all, they must act to overcome the afflictions and pain of their patients. According to the ranking, these are also among the most satisfied professionals.

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2 – plastic artist: one of the happiest professions in the world is that of a plastic artist. These people are always handling their works and expressing art in some way.

3 – Teacher: even if modern times are not the most affectionate towards teachers, they still take pleasure in contributing to the education of a people. That's why this is one of the happiest professions in the world.

4 – financial broker: these people usually help customers and companies to take care of their financial resources. Apparently, this activity yields good personal and professional results.

5 – special education teacher: a particular area of ​​the teaching profession is one of the most rewarding. People who teach special students show great satisfaction in their activities.

6 – Fireman: like other happier professions, the firefighter is also dedicated to helping others. This really seems to do a lot of good for the human mind.

7 – Writer: As one of the most powerful forms of expression of all, writing proves to be rewarding for workers of that area.

8 – Physiotherapist: another of the happiest professions dedicated to caring for others is that of a physiotherapist. That's what the ranking points out.

9 – priest/priest: people who dedicate their lives to uttering the word of God are also listed here. The satisfaction in working in this area proves to be great.

As experts point out, it is always important to look for professional areas in which you feel useful and fulfilled. Therefore, please observe the above list only as a suggestion, not as a formula for happiness.

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