Are you sleeping in the right position?

Experts claim that we spend approximately a third of our lives just sleeping. In addition, it is during sleep that our body performs all the regulation and renewal processes so that we wake up in a mood, mood and concentration.

However, the way we sleep can play an important role in the quality of rest and, therefore, it is essential to be adept at one that helps the muscles with physical recovery. So, know the best sleeping position. Keep reading!

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But what is the best sleeping position anyway?

The best way to rest is one that promotes spinal alignment from the hips to the head. Therefore, there are some positions that can be considered better for the spine than others. Thus, sleeping on your side or back (also known as "belly up") is considered healthier than sleeping on your stomach, for example.

The reason that explains this fact is that, when we sleep in any of the first ways, we are more likely to keep the spine balanced. and supported, which helps relieve pressure on the spinal tissues, allowing the muscles to relax and carry out the healing process. recovery.

How to change the position in which we sleep?

However, if you feel more comfortable sleeping on your stomach, don't force yourself to change your habit. In any case, there is the possibility of minimizing the risk of pain, improving the alignment of the spine and, consequently, the quality of sleep through good mattress and pillow choices.

All the different resting positions have benefits, which can be very useful if the individual are experiencing a health condition such as back pain, pregnancy, sleep apnea, and others. In situations like these, changing the way you sleep can promote more refreshing sleep.

However, it is worth mentioning that changing the way you lie down is not an easy task. Including, it can take some time to get used to, even though it's something very natural and possible. So be patient and try to gradually change your regular sleep position.

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