The measures to make your steak more tender!

The expectation when you go to the market to buy a nice piece of steak is to get home and enjoy it in the most succulent and tender way possible. The fact is that the best cuts of meat, such as sirloin steak and sirloin steak, are more expensive and not everyone can afford them. So check out some measures to make your steak more tender.

How to Eat a Nice, Tender, Juicy Piece of Steak

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Check below the main measures to make your steak more tender and juicy:

1. beating your steak

This is the most common method and most used by people. And this option is valid because, when punching the meat with the specific object, you will be breaking the muscle fibers that contract when they are exposed to heat. After the muscles are broken down, they will become relaxed and not contracted.

2. Be generous with the salt

It is common for people to use salt to season steaks. However, in addition to this function, salt also serves to soften the piece, as it extracts moisture from the meat. In this way, the muscle fibers of the steak are broken down and become softer and more flavorful.

3. Making a Proper Marinade

A good marinade in the meat, in addition to making it super tasty, will help to tenderize due to the breakdown of muscle fibers. But know that there are Ingredients that will help with this process, such as vinegar, soy sauce or citrus juice, such as lemon or lime.

4. Cover with baking soda

If you want to tenderize your meat without having to cut it, a great option is to rub the steak piece on bicarbonate of sodium. It is effective because it alkalizes its surface and leaves the structure of the meat more relaxed and consequently softer and juicier.

5. mark the surface

Meats, such as flank steak, are great options for using the surface marking method, as it has thicker muscle fibers. We must understand that they are what prevent the meats from cooking in the same way as the others, so marking them diagonally will help the rest of the cut to relax.

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