Best and healthiest sleeping positions

Studies carried out in three North American universities demonstrated that the position in which we usually to sleep can contribute to the preservation of our body in relation to degenerative diseases. This happens because during the sleep our body also works on essential functions for our existence, such as the elimination of toxins and residual proteins that, when accumulated, can initiate a process of neurodegeneration.

In view of this and the importance of good sleep, to learn more about the best sleeping positions, check out the full article!

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Why sleeping well can change your life?

There are brain cleanses that mostly occur during sleep. An example is the cleaning carried out by the glymphatic system. This system is responsible for draining toxic waste from the central nervous system.

For this cleaning to take place in the best possible way, for example, it is essential that you are in a more suitable position. In view of this, its drainage occurs more efficiently when sleeping in the lateral position, when compared to positions on the back or on the stomach.

The results related to this better quality of sleep when we lie down in a specific position are usually closely linked to the effects of gravity on the body, as well as pressure and tissue stretching during exercise. sleep. So sleeping on your side seems to be the best option!

In addition to contributing to the Brain Toxin Cleansing, sleeping on your side is excellent for your spine. This position relieves pressure on the spine, allowing this structure to be relaxed during sleep. However, for this to be effective, it is important to keep the neck aligned.

Therefore, your pillow must be the ideal size so that your head is straight, without tilting either up or down. Also, a good tip to keep the whole structure well aligned is to put a pillow between your legs.

Finally, studies also indicate that sleeping on the left side should be preferred! Sleeping in this position allows your blood circulation to flow in the best way, also facilitating the passage of food through the intestine.

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