PayPal sends emails warning about security breach

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O paypal it is a very popular digital wallet, mainly in the United States and other countries abroad, but it is also widely used here in Brazil. Recently, some users of the service received emails warning that their data had been exposed, as well as some sensitive information may or may not have been misused by third parties intentional.

The company confirmed that on December 20 last year, an unauthorized third party was able to access several PayPal accounts. After more specific and dedicated investigations, it was proven that whoever was carrying out the attacks accessed the accounts between December 6 and 8, 2022.

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According to the email sent, you can see the following: “During this period, unauthorized third parties had the ability to view, and potentially acquire, certain personal information about certain users of the PayPal”. The information mentioned includes names, addresses, dates of birth and certain other aspects unique to the US system, such as social security and tax identification numbers.

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Despite being considered a major problem, the company has not yet elucidated how attackers gained access to affected accounts, just saying that there is no proof that the credentials were taken from the systems and servers of the PayPal.

One type of attack being considered is using different login and password credentials, usually taken from elsewhere, until one eventually works. As many people are in the habit of using the same password on different accounts, the method can be quite effective, since with the leak or discovery of just one password, several accounts are in risk.

PayPal has reported that 34,942 accounts have been hacked and are at risk, despite the company having recreated these people's passwords, and the next time they access they will have to establish a new one account. In addition, these users received free access to a service that monitors identity and how it is being used.

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