8 habits to help organize your goals in 2023

With the arrival of a new year, several people set goals and objectives, whether in the professional or social sphere. The problem is that we end up creating too many goals, but we can't accomplish what we plan. A good idea to solve this situation is to use routines and create habits to organize and execute the ideas you had. With that in mind, we've prepared a list of some tips on how to get organized.

How to stay organized in 2023

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It is important to highlight that, in order to be able to focus and meet the goals, we need to keep our home and our mind organized. That way, we bring you two lists: one with tips for your home, another with tips for your mental health.

tips for home

  1. Dispose of unused objects: Over time, we can end up accumulating objects with no apparent use, either because we think we'll need them, or because we forget to throw them away. But it's important to get rid of what is no longer useful so that it doesn't take up space.
  2. Perform maintenance: you know that washing machine of yours that doesn't turn right or that bad chair? Defective parts or parts that need fixing disrupt our lives and end up causing us a headache. Therefore, fixing everything that is in trouble is an important task at the beginning of the year.
  3. Cleaning: in this case, we are talking about an intense cleaning, in all the rooms of the house, even those in which we are too lazy to take care of in a routine cleaning. There's nothing better than starting the year with a 100% clean house.
  4. Pack your clothes: In addition to cleaning your house, it's important to organize your wardrobe and keep your clothes well separated. Thus, you start the year with an idea of ​​where each piece you want is.

Tips for your mind

  1. Establish a routine: psychologists advise creating a routine for people with concentration problems and even for those who don't. Having a routine makes your life peaceful, since you are aware of all the activities you have to do in the day. She is able to reduce anxiety and improve her productivity.
  2. Don't wake up too late: in addition to waking up earlier, it's also important that you don't use your cell phone immediately after waking up. Psychologists explain that touching your cell phone right after waking up can generate stress and make you anxious for the rest of the day.
  3. Practice physical exercises: physical activities are good for both our body health and our mind. Physical exercise is associated with the release of a hormone called endorphin, one of the neurotransmitters of well-being and happiness.
  4. Carry out activities alone: here we can mention basic activities like cooking your own meals, reading and writing, cleaning and even meditating. All these activities are important to value your time alone and distract your mind, in addition to being essential in everyday life.
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