Meet the SPECTACULAR convenience store that is enchanting everyone

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The stunning Lawson convenience store, located two and a half hours southwest of Tokyo by train, is causing a sensation with travelers.

Known as the “most beautiful convenience store in the world“, has become a very popular tourist spot due to its spectacular scenery.

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The highlight is the famous Mount Fuji of the Japan, which creates an incredible and surprising backdrop for the venture.

With an imposing height of 3,776 meters, Mount Fuji, also known as Fuji-san, is only visible on days of clear weather, making the experience of witnessing the convenience store in its glory complete something single.

Those lucky enough to visit on a sunny day are amazed to see the majestic mountain seem to be on top of the store itself.

a spectacular view

Located near the Kawaguchiko train station, near Lake Kawaguchi, the store attracts many travelers, and officials even had to put up a notice board to warn enthusiasts of

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Instagramdistracted to be careful when crossing the busy street.

(Image: Wisteria_voyage/Instagram)

A travel blogger named Vivian shared the little-known wonder in photos and a video online, wowing thousands. She described the store as the “most beautiful convenience store overlooking Mount Fuji”.

Some onlookers joked, asking if the mountain was built on top of the store to look pretty.

Those who had the opportunity to visit the place shared their experiences, praising the beauty of the store and the breathtaking view. Some others described the view as “magical”.

In addition, they mentioned that the store offers high quality snacks, although they warned that it is important to check the weather conditions before planning the visit, as the visibility of the Mount Fujiit is limited.

Due to its popularity, the store is often crowded, and special signs have been installed to ensure pedestrian safety.

Those who had the opportunity to witness this “unreal” store enthusiastically shared their experiences, making others feel motivated to explore this hidden gem.
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