4 practical tips for your partner to feel more secure in the relationship

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Occasionally we need to make some adjustments so that our partner feels safe in the relationship. That's because not always just love sustains a life for two.

After all, relationships are made up of two totally different people who have chosen to live together, which is quite a challenge.

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In that sense, here are 4 tips for you to put into practice in your relationship. Surely both you and your loved one will feel safer and step on firmer ground towards the "happy forever", after considering these facts.

4 practical tips to make your partner feel more secure in the relationship

1. common ground

For sure, you and your partner have your differences. Maybe you like country music better and he likes more rock. Or you're a morning person and he's a night owl.

However, for the relationship to flow safely, you need to find common ground between your likes and routines. Remember: love needs effort from both parties and both have to give in a little bit to make it work.

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2. appreciate changes

Are you the same person you were a year ago? Certainly not! We need to keep in mind that we are constantly changing. It's part of life, it's part of maturing and it's part of our evolution as human beings.

A common mistake is to criticize our partners because they have changed. It's just the natural cycle of life. We must embrace the metamorphoses of our loved ones.

However, if your partner's change is related to something that bothers you a lot, like a bad habit (like smoking or drinking too much), this should be discussed.

3. give space

everyone needs space. It is a common mistake to think that everything must be done together when we are in a serious relationship.

Maybe it's the fault of that old saying: "I found my half of the orange". None of that! You and your partner are two whole oranges – and very different ones.

Therefore, they need some time alone. Remember that it is in these moments that we build our individuality, something very important for the health of a solid relationship.

4. Speak slowly

There are people who think that, when talking about a thorny subject, the ideal is to rip off the band-aid at once. However, this is not true.

Talking it out slowly is a less overwhelming way to talk to your partner. Giving them small bits of information and laying the groundwork is best so they can process it all at once.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.


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