Has the basic basket changed? See new measures to promote healthy eating

The Federal Government allegedly aims to eradicatehunger in Brazil and promoting healthy eating for the most vulnerable population.

In this sense, to ensure the quality of food consumed by Brazilians, authorities decided to update the items that make up the famous basic food basket.

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In a public hearing in the Senate, representatives of the Union discussed ways to guarantee everyone access to food in the new basic food basket.

For Gisele Bortoline, coordinator of the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, it is necessary to implement public policy, like those that removed the country from the hunger map in 2014.

the public hearing

The current basic basket is based on a model from 1938, at the time of the Getúlio Vargas government, and would be outdated. Edegar Pretto, president of the National Supply Company, informed that the institution is carrying out research, in partnership with nutritionists and academics, to create a model that better meets the needs of population.

Another issue discussed at the meeting was the need to establish a tax reform to ensure access to the basic food basket, especially for the poorest population.

This reform would aim to ensure that everyone can buy basic food products such as rice, beans, meat, fruits and vegetables.

Programs to promote food security

Currently, a series of projects and programs to combat hunger are already underway in Brazil, such as the National School Feeding Program (Pnae) and the Food Acquisition Program (PAA).

However, Gisele Bortoline defended that they are not enough, with the need to create new policies to serve the population.

The National Program for Urban and Periurban Agriculture, which is already under development and aims to use urban spaces for food production, is an example.

future challenges

Other points discussed include the creation of food banks, community kitchens, popular restaurants and social inclusion measures.

In addition, the importance of integrating sectors such as health, education and social assistance for mapping families in situations of hunger or food insecurity was highlighted.

So far, there is no information on which foods enter or leave the basic food basket, as the project is still being examined. The Government is committed to resuming social assistance policies, aimed at ensuring food security for the low-income population and eradicating hunger.

In December, the 6th National Conference on Food and Nutritional Security will take place, an opportunity in that the situation in Brazil will be analyzed and the 3rd National Plan for Food Security and Nutritional.

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