Why taking your cell phone to bed can be a problem?

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Sleeping well at night is the goal of anyone who wants to have a great day, but it's something that many people can't achieve. For people who do not have proven health disorders, some new habits can help in this process of "sanitation of sleep”. Sleep hygiene can be a great ally to get rid of insomniac effects.

It's small actions, like dimming the ambient lights earlier and not taking electronics to the place, that can help to have a pleasant night's sleep. If the goal is to go to bed early and get a restful night's sleep, follow this "sleep hygiene" ritual and enjoy.

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sleep hygiene

Sleep, together with physical activities and the practice of good nutrition, can help the health of the human body in several ways: the immune system is strengthened, health cardiovascular is amplified and the emotional balance does not change. According to experts, this is why sleep needs to be well enjoyed.

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If you are one of those people who suffer from lack of sleep, this is the best time to do sleep hygiene. Practicing nocturnal habits can help you not have insomnia.

Step by step to sleep hygiene

• If you don't have a medical prescription to take drugs that make you sleepy, the best alternative is to avoid them;
• If you lay in bed and it took more than 30 minutes to fall asleep, don't stay in bed;
• Avoid taking electronic products to bed and do not sleep with the television turned off;
• Keep all devices silent and keep the room dark and quiet. If you can't sleep in a totally dark environment, choose yellow, orange or red lamps;
• Avoid going through stress before going to sleep;
• Avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine before bed, give preference to lighter foods.

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