Good for the heart: drinking coffee daily helps prevent heart disease

Coffee is part of meals of a good part of the population, and the good news is that drinking 2 to 3 cups every day can reduce the risks of developing cardiovascular diseases that can lead to death. There are several benefits of drinking coffee, after all, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, reducing oxidative stress and helping to modulate the effects of glucose. Learn more about these benefits below.

2 cups of coffee daily for your heart's sake

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According to a study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, it doesn't matter if decaf coffee, ground or instant, people who consume 2 to 3 cups of the drink tend to have a lower mortality rate and diagnosis linked to cardiovascular diseases. However, in cases of arrhythmia, these risks only decrease when the coffee is ground or instant.

The study goes against a very old belief that led many health professionals to recommend avoiding coffee to protect the heart. After all, although this drink has high levels of caffeine, this is not the only substance in its composition, and the other biological agents present are responsible for acting in a protective way.

The researchers decided to carry out the study in order to find out how different types of coffee - decaffeinated, ground or coffee – affected cardiovascular diseases, and the result surprised many people by proving that the moderate use of coffee is quite healthy.

How did the researchers arrive at the results?

The subject divided opinions among health professionals, who practically prohibited the use of coffee for their patients with cardiovascular diseases. However, thanks to this study, it was proven that in addition to not doing any harm, drinking coffee provides several benefits for the heart.

The results were obtained using data from the UK Biobank. The researchers followed nearly 450,000 people who did not have heart disease at the start of the study. The volunteers who participated in the process were 58 years old on average and answered their coffee preferences.

After 12.5 years, researchers found that those who drank 1 to 5 cups of powdered or instant coffee had a much lower occurrence of arrhythmia.

In addition, cases of heart failure and ischemic stroke decreased among those who consumed an average of 2 to 3 cups of any of the three types compared to non-coffee drinkers some.

Conclusion of the study

While the results were positive, it's important to be very careful about overusing caffeine. Therefore, coffee is still not a drink fully recommended by doctors, however, after these studies, it is already possible to release coffee for some patients.

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