China, the fastest growing country

Currently, China is one of the fastest growing countries in the world, in the economic, industrial, financial context, it is about to become a world power.
In order to understand the characteristics of the territory and political aspects, it is important to carry out an analysis of human and natural data.
China is called the People's Republic of China, its territory is located in the east of the Asian continent, the country's area corresponds to 9,536,499 km2, its space is one of the largest on the planet, with a continental dimension.
A highlight in relation to other countries is the number of people, currently the Chinese population is the largest in the world, there are approximately 1.4 billion people; some analysts estimate that this number is even higher, as many parents do not register their second child fearing repression for part of the state, which has established a birth control policy, thus this number could jump to around 1.7 billion people.
The immense Chinese territory is composed of plateaus that go from west to east, in the southwest is the largest mountain range in the world, the Himalayas. In the center and west is the plateau of Tibet, to the north is the Gobi desert and the plateau of Mongolia, to the northeast is the plain of Manchuria and in the south, the plain of China.

In the landscape, it is possible to visualize different forms of relief, vegetation, climate and minerals, all of this comes from the dimension continental territory, which encompasses different rock formations, soils that directly influence the composition of the sights.
In the variety of climates, China has an arid and cold climate in the north of the country, while in the vicinity of the Cordilleras and also on the plateaus, the climate is mountain cold. In southern China, the climatic characteristics change, as the climate is hot and humid with incidence of rain in the summer, demonstrating tropical aspects, and finally, in the northeast and east the climate is seasoned.
In mineral resources, China occupies a prominent place on the world stage, this factor is important for the supply of industries and contributes to the country's economic growth.
The main Chinese ore is coal, being the world's largest producer, in addition to occupying the ranking seventh in oil production, as it corresponds to 4.6% of all fossil ore in the world. Other important ores found in abundance are tin, iron and aluminum.

Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

China - geography - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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