Natural aspects of Rio Grande do Sul

Rio Grande do Sul is located in the southern region of Brazil and has natural characteristics that differ from the other federated entities, more specifically in its natural composition, such as relief, climate, vegetation and hydrography.


The state has basically three types of relief: Plateau, Depression and Plain, this shows a geomorphological variety in the region, the first is found in the north of the state with altitudes above 1,000 meters.

Next to Serra Geral is the highest point in the state, with 1,410 meters, called Pico do Monte Negro in São José dos Ausentes.

There are four morphological units present in Rio Grande do Sul, called Planalto-Norte-Rio-Grandense, Central Depression, Shield Sul-Rio-Grandense and Coastal Plain.

• Central Depression: correspond to areas with low altitude, these do not exceed 400 meters, in this region are located important municipalities such as: Porto Alegre, Santa Maria, Bagé and São Gabriel.
• Sul-Rio-Grandense Shield: this one has its origin from rocks formed in the Pre-Cambrian period which suffers wear caused by erosive processes, the altitudes in these places do not exceed 600 meters.

• Coastal Plain: settles across the entire Atlantic Coast of the state's territory and has low altitudes.


The predominant climate in Rio Grande do Sul is humid subtropical, which corresponds to two well-defined seasons: summer, which has high temperatures, and winter, with intense cold, has the harshest winter of the parents. Rains throughout the year are well distributed.

The temperature varies according to the altitudes, therefore, the low elevation areas have a tropical climate and in the regions of higher elevations, the temperate climate predominates.


The vegetative composition of the State of Rio Grande do Sul is basically constituted by four distinct types of vegetation: Araucaria Forest, Pampas, Coastal Vegetation and Atlantic Forest.

• Araucaria Forest: characterized by a subtropical forest formed by conifers and Paraná pine.
• Coastal Vegetation: along the entire coast of Rio Grande there is moist vegetation with an abundant amount of sand.
• Atlantic Forest: is a type of vegetation that covers from the north to the south of the country on the coast.


The hydrographic network of Rio Grande do Sul is divided into three regions:

Uruguay River Basin Hydrographic Region;
Guaíba Basin Hydrographic Region;
Coastal Basin Hydrographic Region.

The most important rivers in Rio Grande do Sul:

- Uruguay;
- Ijuí;
- Jacuí;
- Falls;
- Taquari;
- Ibicuí;
- Pellets;
- Camaquã;
- Bells.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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