This Tuesday, the 11th, the inmetro (National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology) initiated inspections of the National Market Surveillance Plan to inhibit the operation of irregular products in the formal market. According to the information, the plan will last for 90 days, being carried out over the next 13 weeks.
The president of Inmetro, Márcio André Brito, emphasized that this year's strategy follows the intention of the Federal government, making it possible to expand the national industry. In support, Inmetro also has 27 other institutions, such as Inmetro do Rio Grande do Sul (Surrs) and Inmetro de Goiás (Ipem).
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National Market Surveillance Plan 2023
This year's inspection will take place in a different way, as informed by Marcelo Monteiro, deputy director of Inmetro's Conformity Assessment to Agência Brasil.
Inspection is the main objective, but the plan will continue to raise awareness among shopkeepers, manufacturers and consumers of products about the danger involved in irregular products.
Since the plan is for awareness, irregularities found in establishments will be considered for the correction of errors.
In severe cases, when they do not comply with what was advised, the fine applied may be from R$ 100 to R$ 1.5 million, removal from the Inmetro register and the seizure of products.
Inmetro applies awareness method
Also to Agência Brasil, the director of the operation advised that this process follows a path of consumer protection. Therefore, pirated products, counterfeit products with a legalization seal and products that directly harm the consumer will be penalized.
In addition to fake or pirated products, products that do not present quality, from those sold in street vendors or in stores for R$ 1.99, are products that do not offer the security due to the consumer. According to the director, these products are targets of the operation.
To denounce irregularities in trade, Inmetro disclosed the Ombudsman on the number 0800 285 1818, available from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm, or through Ombudsman's website.
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