What the drink you choose at the bar says about your personality

Our personality is revealed in different aspects of our lives, especially in our preferences for art, consumption and food. Therefore, the drink you choose can say a lot about who you are, even if you don't say anything else to anyone. To find out more about it, check below which is the drink of each personality!

What does your favorite drink say about you?

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Most people always like to follow the obvious when it comes to consuming something in a restaurant or a bar. Therefore, it is common for a person to have a favorite drink, which will always be their order, regardless of the bar they are in. That said, now see what your favorite drink can say about you, check it out!

Red wine

This drink is very common for first dates and is a classic for someone who likes to seduce. Therefore, when ordering a glass or a bottle of red wine, you will demonstrate that you are interested in romantic relationships and love adventures.


There are those who believe that the Martini is synonymous with sophistication, but it turns out that this is one of the most common drinks in the world. Therefore, he usually conveys an idea of ​​someone who has the habit of drinking, largely due to the high alcohol content in the drink.


On the other hand, people who opt for good and classic beer manage to demonstrate that they are more sociable and open to dialogue, even with strangers. Including, this can be the perfect opportunity to make friends and meet new people.


Another traditional drink with a high alcohol content is the Manhattan. By ordering the drink you may be making it clear that your main interest there is to get drunk as quickly as possible!


Finally, we have the good old gin, either straight or with it. In this case, it will be clear to those around you that you like good drinks, as well as being willing to experience a wilder and more intense night.

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