Physical exercises that can be done at home and give results in the gym

If you want to practice some kind of physical activity but you can't go to the gym, either due to lack of time, money or simply because you don't like the environment, check out now an incredible list of physical exercises to do at home and leave your body in shape!

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Why practice physical activities?

In addition to being important to keep the body beautiful and defined, the practice of physical activity is highly recommended because it improves health as a whole. In this way, exercises are essential for controlling blood pressure, blood glucose (blood sugar) and even mental well-being.

Physical exercises to stay in shape at home

1. Jump rope

For those who don't own a bike or a treadmill, jumping rope is a great alternative to aerobic exercise, a since, in just 15 minutes of activity, you can burn 180 calories (against 140 kcal in the race). In addition, this same period is equivalent to an hour of walking.

2. Arm flexion

Simple, push-ups are a very important type of exercise for strengthening the shoulders, chest and arms. Thus, you can start the activity by doing three series of 10 repetitions each, with a one-minute break between each series.

To do this exercise correctly, your arms must be properly aligned with your chest and open in a position where your elbows are bent up to 90 degrees, flexed and turned towards outside.

The exercise begins with a flexion that goes from the elbow until the pectorals reach about two fingers from the floor. Then, return to the starting position, with the arm extended, always keeping your torso firm and without dropping your hips.

3. Squat

Squats are excellent for working lower limbs, such as glutes and thigh muscles. You should bend your knees so that your feet are slightly apart, then squat with your butt leaning back, as if you were going to sit in a chair.

Squat down and stand up, trying to achieve an angle between 45 and 90 degrees. You must perform three series of 10 to 15 repetitions, however, be very careful to keep your spine always erect, in order to avoid possible injuries.

4. stationary running

You don't need to go outside to practice running. Through this exercise, which consists of simulating running without moving, you can burn a considerable amount of calories. Do four sets of 45 seconds each and short 20-second breaks between sets.

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