Youtube channel offers famous animes, such as Naruto and Death Note

Cartoons of Japanese origin, anime conquer fans who are more and more passionate and enthusiastic to follow entire series and seasons of their favorite animation. With that in mind, a channel made free anime available on Youtube.

Seasons of famous titles are among the news of anime on Youtube

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Even with the offer of several titles online, some people may still find it difficult to find the anime they like the most. On the other hand, there are those who want to watch that beloved animation again, without having to download or subscribe to streaming platforms.

So the channel VizMedia, on Youtube, brought an interesting solution for anime fans and made the drawings available free of charge for you to watch wherever you are.

Divided into playlists, just choose the anime you want to watch and start having fun with the stories created by Japanese screenwriters, who explore themes ranging from science fiction, drama, adventure, to comedy.


Considered one of the most famous anime in the world, 220 episodes of Naruto are available on the channel. For those who don't know, Naruto tells the story of a young ninja who has the dream of becoming the ninja leader in the place where he lives. Originally, the anime ran from 2002 to 2007.

sailor moon

Anyone who likes the story of a group of superheroines in search of world salvation, without losing their elegance and with a lot of sparkle in their eyes, will be happy. All 238 episodes of Sailor Moon are available on the channel. The anime was shown in more than 70 countries with audience success.

death note

Another big name in anime history, Death Note is available on Viz Media, with its 37 episodes. The series is considered a thriller and has already been adapted for theaters and television shows.

Hunter x Hunter, Inuyasha and Osomatsu-san are also among the free anime on YouTube. Only Osomatsu-san is not fully in its entirety, with only 50 episodes for the public. But they all guarantee a great marathon in front of the small screen!

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