Why shouldn't I use cotton swabs to clean my ears?

Do you know how to clean your ears risk free? Cotton swabs can cause many problems and even physical trauma, such as a ruptured eardrum, if inserted incorrectly or too forcefully. However, before dealing with possible damage caused by using a cotton swab, it is necessary to dispel the myth that wax is dirt and therefore must be cleaned.

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Wax (or cerumen) is made by about 2,000 cerumen glands located on the outside of the ear canal. In some people, earwax production is exacerbated, impairing hearing and causing pain or discomfort.

However, it protects the ears and hearing, forms a physical barrier, has antifungal and antibacterial properties and keeps out excess water and dust, which can be harmful. In addition, it lubricates and prevents dryness, which can result in problems such as allergies and itching.

How to clean the ears without risks?

The ideal way to clean your ear is by gently applying a clean, soft cloth, after bathing, just where your finger can reach. The best way to clean the ears is without applying force and also without using the cotton swab, which should only be used on the outer part of the ear. That way, the moment you notice your hearing impaired and that maybe it's the earwax's fault, look for a doctor.

Why shouldn't I use cotton swabs to clean my ears?

There is always the possibility that your ear could be damaged (whether seriously or not) by using cotton buds. However, when the natural protective layer of the ear is removed, it is naturally more exposed and easier to be contaminated.

In addition, several times the use of cotton swabs ends up pushing the wax into the ear canal and causing difficulty in listening. Therefore, one should not use any type of object to poke the ear, either to scratch or clean.

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