Cultivating boa constrictor: Learn how to make seedlings of this classic plant

The boa constrictor is widely used to decorate indoor environments, in addition to being a symbol of national botany. So learn now how to grow boa constrictor and how to make seedlings of this wonderful plant, which is a very common ornament in our country's homes. Keep reading!

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The characteristics of the boa plant

The boa constrictor is very famous for its heart-like foliage and for having a drooping stem, thus being the famous “hanging plant”. Furthermore, it works as a great air filter and, if you believe it, it can also be an amulet that protects and consecrates your home. However, she is toxic, so it's best to keep her out of reach of animals and children.

How to make boa seedlings?

The boa adapts well even in shady environments, as it does not require direct sunlight. However, she will grow healthier and faster if she receives them directly. Furthermore, as a plant native to the tropical climate, it cannot tolerate very low temperatures.

The way to hydrate it is basic, just check if the land is too dry, but you can also follow the schedule of the seasons. In the hottest and driest periods, such as summer and spring, you will have to water with a little more water, two to three times a week. In autumn and winter, when there is cold and humidity, it is recommended to reduce the water doses and vary from one to two waterings per week.

How to prune your boa constrictor?

The boa constrictor is a plant that spreads quite easily. Choose to prune it in the spring period, to remove the dry, yellowed leaves and parts without a good formation. In general, the vases manage to control the size of the plant, and when suspended, it lets its stems and leaves fall. towards the ground, beautifying and harmonizing the space, but if they are touching the ground, cut at the height that to prefer.

Plant fertilization process

The boa constrictor fertilization process is very simple. Always choose organic fertilizers and apply these products every three months, the time needed to enrich the soil. Therefore, avoid changing the vase for at least 2 years.

Making boa seedlings

To make a seedling, you will need to cut diagonally the tip of a branch that has 4 to 6 leaves. Then put it in a container with water and wait for the roots to emerge. Soon after, place it in a spot that has good lighting, but without direct contact with the sun.

With the appearance of its roots, take the new plant to a vase with a substrate partially wet and well enriched with organic material. In addition, a drainage layer is necessary, which can be made with expanded clay under a blanket of bidim or any other porous fabric of synthetic composition.

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