Toxicity Alert: Just One Sentence Can End Toxic Conversations

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There are several reasons why someone might decide end a conversation. It could be that the other person is avoiding responding properly, that you need to pull away to keep your emotions in check, or simply because there's nothing more to say.

However, the most harmful interactions are those that are toxic, that usually cause discomfort and bring no value. It's important to recognize these situations and prioritize your emotional health, setting healthy boundaries and moving away from unhealthy relationships - even if it's the one you love.

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Jefferson Fisher, a trial attorney known on TikTok for his content on argumentation and communication, shared his favorite method for ending toxic conversations. According to Fisher, an effective way to end the interaction is simply to state:

"I'm not going into that."

Don't go into it!

Fisher stressed the importance of prioritizing your safety and comfort in a conversation, and recommended "hanging up" if you find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

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As someone used to dealing with conflict in his career, he understands the need to move on when a conversation isn't productive.

He shared the phrase "I'm not going to go through with it" as an effective way to end a toxic conversation. By using this tactic, Fisher emphasizes that there is nothing more to be said and that he will not participate in a damaging discussion. He reassures viewers that by using this statement, it is possible to end the conversation clearly and assertively.

By expressing yourself in this way, you are choosing to respectfully remove yourself from the conversation, without attaching negative labels to the other person or blaming them for your decision not to get involved.

By doing so, you acknowledge that it is a personal choice and assume responsibility for the consequences of that decision, if any. This approach allows you to end the interaction in a calm and respectful way, preserving your own emotional integrity.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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