Chives: a great choice for those who want to start a vegetable garden

Historically, chives are of European origin, but they were included in Brazilian cuisine by the Portuguese during colonization and ended up conquering the popular taste until the present day. Chives are a great option for those who want to start growing at home! It doesn't require so much space and not so much work.

It has several health benefits and contains numerous nutrients, low calories and antioxidants that contribute to immunity, bone health, mood and insomnia.

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Onion properties.

Firstly, in the kitchen, chives are very useful in the composition of raw salads and seasonings of different tastes.

A tablespoon containing three grams of chopped chives contains just less than a gram of fat, protein or carbohydrate. On the other hand, it provides 3% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A and C. Chives are rich in vitamin K, Folate, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and these elements bring great health benefits.

Health benefits.

Then, according to a study, chives can help prevent cancer and it is recommended to eat ten or more servings of them.

Another study cites that men who ingest a greater amount of chives may have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer. Choline is a nutrient present in chives and it can help regulate sleep, muscle movement, facilitate learning and memory.

It contributes to cell membrane structure, aiding in the transmission of nerve impulses and fat absorption and chronic inflammation.

Watch the chive planting process and make your own vegetable garden.

Chives can be cared for in small places, so if you don't have much space to grow various types of vegetables, they are a great request.

Chives can be planted through cuttings or seeds, seedlings being the most practical and easy method. The greener the seedling leaf, the better it is for planting. Well, it can be planted in small vases, if you want to grow several seedlings in a small space, it is advisable to leave at least 15 cm between them.

How to care for chives.

The soil that the plant is in must be very fertile, have a considerable amount of moisture and have easy water drainage. It is recommended to use red earth and add earthworm humus to improve soil performance.

In the vase, it's important to have holes in the bottom so that the earth drains and doesn't leave the roots too wet to rot. Chives have to be watered between one and three days, as they are a plant that needs a lot of water.

The place has to have a lot of contact with sunlight, chives need 6 hours of sunlight a day.

Chive season.

Finally, according to the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), the ideal time for planting the plant is from April to June. In the cold season, it is necessary to protect your plantation. Try to move the pots to warmer places.

Therefore, chives like heat and humidity, so be aware of this when you notice the mild and cold weather.

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