Don't throw the garlic skins away; know the reason

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During the quarantine, many people acquired the habit of taking care of plants and gardens more often. In addition to learning how to grow little plants, many people have started looking for ways to make them healthier using simple techniques. One of the most common is the use of garlic to fertilize the soil. And to explain how it works, we prepared this article with tips on how to use garlic peel in the garden to make it lush.

Want to know more about this subject? So check out the full article!

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What is garlic peeling for in the garden?

Many people don't know, but garlic peel has great properties for plants. This ingredient is rich in minerals and vitamins that are extremely important for plant growth. See below some of the main substances that garlic peel contains:

  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Zinc;
  • Selenium;
  • Germanium.
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These substances, in addition to being essential to keep the soil fertilized, also help in the improvement of plants. So, if your goal is to grow plants for consumption, it's important to remember to put garlic peels in the ground.

Garlic peel has other functions besides vegetable nutrition. This ingredient also helps to ward off unwanted insects, for example. The strong smell that comes out of the garlic peel is enough to get rid of certain animals that are not good for the plant.

How to use garlic peeling in the garden?

Garlic peel is a very versatile food and can be used in different ways in the cultivation of plants. Check below:

  • hydrated peel: you can add the garlic peels, hydrate them with water and let them soak for 3 days. After that time, you will have two uses for the mixture: fertilizer and insecticide.
  • Dry bark: you can add the bark along with the soil to create a strong fertilizer.
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