Careful! Official government websites under attack from betting platforms

The worrying emergence of betting platforms, both illegal and legitimate, infiltrating city hall and university websites has become a growing source of apprehension.

These betting platforms, such as the famous ‘Jogo do Tigre’, are committed to the integrity of government directions by directing users to online casinos, both legal and non-legal, exposing users to various risks potentials.

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These questions raise information about the security and beyond of government portals and highlight the importance of understanding the details of these invasions, the dangers involved and the possible protection measures that can be taken to safeguard the integrity of these sites crucial.

Another virtual platform that has proven dangerous is Bet365, which has been useful as a security fraud tool. Learn how to protect yourself!

Betting houses and the virtual threat

The invasion is known as “defacement” and exploits vulnerabilities in official websites, allowing scammers to redirect visitors to betting platforms.

These attacks hit sites such as Agenda UFBA and University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (UNILAB), evidencing the attackers' intention to take advantage of the visibility of these pages in search engines, without necessarily damage them.

Although simply accessing the hacked links does not pose a direct threat, it is advisable to avoid any interaction with suspected risks present on hacked sites.

These advertisements can redirect users to fraudulent pages or even initiate the download of malicious files, posing a system security risk.

Being careful not to share personal information is essential to protect your identity against financial scams or scams, as these sites can be used as bait for such fraud.

For those interested in online betting, it is crucial to thoroughly check the website URL. Any grammatical error or presence of suspicious characters in the URL should be important alerts.

It is essential to highlight that ‘Jogo do Tigre’ is an illegal platform in Brazil and has already been involved in police cases.

As it is not regulated, the bookmaker does not offer any guarantee to users, exposing them to significant financial risks.

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