'Operação Escola Segura' has been monitoring attacks in Brazil

The recent tragic attack on a school in the city of Cambé (PR), which resulted in the death of two teenagers, Rekindled concern about the safety of students and professionals in educational institutions Brazilian.

See too: SESI/SENAI Survey: 85% of Brazilians aged over 16 are not in school

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Operation Safe School: more than 300 people arrested since April

In response to this terrible wave of violence, the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP) announced that it has been committed to protecting of school environments through the Safe School Operation, resulting in the arrest or apprehension of 368 people since the beginning, in April of this year.

The MJSP conducts this crucial monitoring with the support of the Cybernetic Operations Laboratory (Ciberlab) and the Ministry's General Intelligence Coordination. This joint work involves police stations specialized in cybercrime, spread across the main regions of the country.

In addition, hundreds of public safety professionals from various law enforcement agencies intelligence and police stations, joined efforts to carry out multiple actions related to this theme.

Arrests, conductions and ongoing investigations

Since April, in addition to the arrests made, 1,595 suspects have been arrested and 3,396 police reports have been registered (with 2,830 cases still under investigation) in the context of investigations into violence in schools.

Additionally, 901 requests were made for the preservation and removal of content on platforms social media, as well as 384 requests for registration data on such platforms, including the new cataloged network.

The Minister of Justice and Public Security, Flávio Dino, emphasized that this form of violence has taken root in Brazil.

“We see societies where violence is the target of apology. The statistics of attacks on schools in the US show that this is not an example for our country. And what we see today, to a large extent in Brazil, is exactly an apology for violence, which is today in the palm of our youth's hands, through smartphones, tablets and the proliferation irresponsible use of hateful violence messages on the internet, sometimes defeating the efforts of families", he commented on the case at an event last Monday morning (19), in Rio de Janeiro. January.

Dial 100 and Safe School Channel: confidential channels for reporting threats

The recent attack on the school in Cambé was the third episode of violence with fatalities in Brazilian schools this year. Tragically, at least six people lost their lives as a result of violent acts that took place in educational institutions.

To combat this alarming reality, it is crucial that society is united and willing to denounce any threat or suspicion of attacks on schools. The Dial 100 service is now available to receive reports of threats of this type, which can also be made through WhatsApp, at the number (61) 99611-0100.

The Ministry of Justice and Public Security created the Safe School channel, a channel dedicated exclusively to denouncing school violence and threats of attacks.

When using this channel, the information provided will be kept in absolute secrecy, without any identification of the complainant.

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