6G connection: Humans can be antennas in the near future

With the creation of a new technology, such as the 5G connection, with it comes information that makes everyone suspicious. In the pandemic period, ideas that vaccines against Covid-19 would apply chips to people to facilitate future research gained momentum. It is necessary to have a certain distrust when the subject seems to be delicate.

These are rumors that arise through technological advances that can be frightening, but many of these theories are not true. And just as they do not proceed, they also do not frighten the scientists themselves. Despite the fake news, a test is being carried out so that humans, in fact, make use of a chip to operate as a source.

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At the University of Massachusetts, ideas are already coming out of the imagination and may be awakening the curiosity of many people! The antenna system may be replaced by humans in the very near future.

6G connection in humans

5G technology, which arrived in Brazil only recently, makes use of waves and radio so that the connection is transported to the connector. Compared to the previous one, 5G can carry information ten times faster as it makes use of these radio waves.

For the next phase, that is, 6G, it is expected that it will reach even higher levels of bandwidth. Science points out that the connection will be even greater through Visible Light Communication (VLC). IFL Science pointed out that these 6G internet radio waves will be through LED.

The idea is still in its infancy and has some slightly larger repair points. To explain the function of the device, Jie Xiong, professor of informatics at the University of Massachusetts, shared his perspectives:

“VLC is quite simple and interesting. Instead of using radio signals to send information wirelessly, it uses light from LEDs that can turn on and off up to a million times a second”, he pointed out.

The receiver, as Xiong informed, can be any device: from smartphone cameras to a tablet.

There is a waste of energy that ends up being lost in the environment. This is a waste that could be avoided, so researchers have already looked for an alternative for a new investment.

The new attempt was made with a copper coil that can be fixed in different places. For the researchers, this was the biggest advance so far, as the object can turn into a bracelet that can be read on the forearm.

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