Father avoids taking care of the baby and justifies video game addiction as self-care

The decision to have a child is extremely important for the couple. During the first few months after birth, parents and baby are adjusting to their new life outside the womb. When parents are going through this experience for the first time, everything can seem even more intense. Unfortunately, there are cases where one of the parents, as we will see below, can end up neglecting their responsibilities. There was a case where a father preferred playing video games to helping his wife with the baby.

The responsibility of a child lies with both the mother and the father.

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The situation began when the wife asked her husband to cancel the video game subscription, since, in addition to the arrival of the baby, he still needed to take care of school work. However, the husband not only renewed the subscription, but also continued to play daily and did not help his wife with the care of the baby.

When she asked the opinion of other parents in the Reddit community, several shared that video games were also part of their daily lives and even served as a form of relaxation.

Did any parent agree with the discomfort reported by the mother?

Although most parents said that there were no problems with the husband's attitude, one internet user shared that it is necessary for the husband to couple make a pleasant agreement so that both can have a break, in addition, the husband cannot monopolize self-care only in the video game.

In general, the parents said that it is necessary for the father to have his moment of relaxation and self-care, but that the woman also needs it and that rest is inevitable.

Example of a father who changed his routine because of his newborn

This father said that when he had his son, he and his wife agreed that they would both have 30 minutes of rest a day.

However, he insisted on giving his opinion on the mother's account. For him, if her husband spends hours and hours on video games and doesn't help his wife with child care, that's a problem.

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