Newlyweds game: say yes to the challenge and have fun with your love

Mendelssohn's Wedding March (that famous wedding song) played, the bride entered and everyone was moved. After yes, whirlwinds of emotions are waiting for the youngest couple who will share life together for many, many years.

Now, imagine getting to know almost everything about your other half having fun while they're on the Honeymoon. It would be amazing, wouldn't it? And that's why today we list the best questions to just married. Check out the questions that will make the lovebirds get to know each other even more.

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How to play?

There are two couples who play against each other, and there are two ways to play the game. The first is to see the questions and answer them and then see who got the most right. In the second, the questions are asked at the time and the answer has to be quick, but it is up to the players.


  1. One person will ask the questions while the couples record the answers.
  2. The couple will have to reveal the answers and compare to see if they match.
  3. For each correct answer, a point is awarded to the couple.

Now that you've said yes to each other, it's time to also say yes to the fun game that will reveal its characteristics in a very practical and dynamic way.

Let's go to the quiz

This round is a question about yourself. Your partner has to get it right for the couple to score.

  1. Where would I go on my dream vacation?
  2. What's my sign?
  3. What was my first pet's name?
  4. What's my favorite food?
  5. What's my favorite song?

Now it's your turn to get the questions right about your partner. Make your team score!

  1. Who is his favorite actor?
  2. What's the favorite song?
  3. Does he have any idols? Who?
  4. What's your favorite time of year?
  5. Name 3 things on his wish list

It's time to answer about your relationship. Hit as much as you can!

  1. Who took the initiative?
  2. Who was the first to say "I love you"?
  3. Who spoke of marriage first?
  4. Who is more romantic?
  5. Who is more adventurous in bed?
  6. What was the worst argument you had?
  7. Who apologizes first?
  8. Who gave the first gift and what was it?
  9. Where and on what date did you meet?
  10. Who rules the relationship?

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