Compulsive behavior in dogs: Why is he licking the floor?

Dogs use their tongues a lot to explore the world, so we're sure you'll always see them licking things. However, many owners have noticed that their dogs have developed a craze for licking specific places. That said, see below what it can mean and what to do when you see the dog licking the floor compulsively.

Why can dogs lick the floor?

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As we have already mentioned, it is common for dogs to use their tongue to explore a certain place. So eventually any dog ​​will lick the floor and this could just be an isolated event or else a behavioral trait of the dog.

However, when noticing that there is a certain compulsion to lick the floor, you need to pay more attention.

That's because these compulsive licks can represent some neurological problems, which are the ones that affect animal behaviors. Generally, these problems are associated with stress in the animal, which generates a compulsion to lick.

Furthermore, it may also be an indication of Cushing's syndrome, which is the result of excess glucocorticoid hormone.

Finally, it is also possible to identify cases of nutrient deficit in the animals' diets through this licking behavior. In this case, it is possible that the dog resorts to licking the floor instinctively, as if looking for these nutrients.

In these cases it is common for the dog to be quite thin.

The necessary care

A dog that compulsively licks the floor runs several dangers, after all, he will be exposing himself to a world of bacteria and germs. Furthermore, this can cause allergies, especially to cleaning products.

Even allergies can be very severe and even lead the dog to death.

So, as soon as you notice the dog's compulsive behavior, don't hesitate to seek help from a veterinarian as soon as possible. This so that all the mapping of possible causes is done and then carry out the appropriate treatment.

Overall, any non-standard behavior in dogs needs to be observed, as it could be some disease.

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