Double attention: these are the most common traffic fines in Brazil

Driving requires a lot of attention and commitment, mainly because of all the risks present in traffic. Thus, the laws seek to prevent unsafe practices from resulting in accidents. They try to stop drivers by using fines for infractions. Do you know most of them? We've brought you a list of the most common traffic fines in Brazil so you can avoid them and become a better driver.

Read more: Drivers should pay attention to these three new traffic laws so as not to be fined

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These actions generate fines in Brazil

There are a number of practices in traffic that a large part of the population does not know is prohibited by law, so many are fined for believing that they were not doing anything at all. To avoid going through this situation that will hurt your pocket, here are some of the ones that can get you into trouble.

Low speed

In the same way that excessive speed can lead the driver to an accident, there is also danger in driving at too low a speed. That's why Art. 219 of the Brazilian Traffic Code emphasizes that the driver who drives at a speed lower than half the limit is committing a medium infraction that is subject to a fine.

Driving with inappropriate footwear

The law prohibits the use of some types of shoes when driving, because they make it difficult for the feet to use and be agile when pressing the right pedals. Want examples? Slippers and high heels cannot be used. If you use them, know that there will be consequences! This is also a mid-level infraction.

splashing water on passengers

In big cities, it is very common for rain to form large puddles of water next to the sidewalk. If the car passes over such a puddle at high speed, it is capable of wetting pedestrians who are walking. Did you know that this is not just bad manners? It's a traffic violation too!

In cases where the driver is caught in the act, he will suffer a punishment.

smoke while driving

A lot of people still live with smoking, so they don't stop smoking even when they're driving, which is worrying in many ways. If this is your case, know that such practice is prohibited by the traffic code.

running low on fuel

If your car stops in the middle of the street or stops traffic due to lack of Gasoline, you can receive up to four points on your license and will need to pay a fine of R$ 130.16 for disturbing the flow of other vehicles.

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