Artificial intelligence creates artwork and artists sue company responsible

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Three artists meet in the United States to sue companies that used artificial intelligence to create works of art. The problem, according to the artists, lies in the companies' lack of authorization to train the artificial intelligence software.

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Karla Ortiz, Kelly McKernan and Sarah Andersen are the three artists responsible for suing companies Stability IA, Midjourney and DeviantArt, in San Francisco, California, for the misuse of their works in intelligence programs artificial.

According to the artists, the companies infringe the copyrights of several artists when they make use of an image database without the due consent of the authors of the work.

The controversy surrounding the subject happens because, although the work created by artificial intelligence is completely new, the software needs some inspiration to start. In this way, they learn from existing works.

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In their request, the artists seek in American justice the suspension of the violation of rights. Among the concerns is the fear that the profession will be replaced by artificial intelligence that uses their work to create new works of art.

Understand how AI generates works of art

The way in which artificial intelligence works to create works of art is as follows:

  • A person gives the command to the AI ​​program determining what should be drawn (or an image is uploaded to provide inspiration to the software);
  • Then, the work is done, which can be an assembly or a drawing, the user is the one who chooses.

The work, which could take a matter of days or hours to be performed by a human being, is done in a matter of seconds by artificial intelligence.

And it's not just the trio of artists who are looking for redress. Getty Images, an English image bank, is suing Stability IA for similar reasons.

For the company specializing in photography, Stable, Stability's AI artwork creation platform, trained the software of artificial intelligence from the illegal copying and processing of images in its database, protected by copyright copyright.
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