Hangman game with wild birds; Can you guess what they are?

O hangman game It is a simple pastime, but it provides healthy competition and stimulates the intellectual capacity of the human mind. In this giveaway, we have prepared two challenges to see who can first reveal which wild birds are hidden. Who will win, you or your opponent?

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Knowing a little about wild birds:

Beautiful and charming, wild birds are animals originating from nature that are not adapted to human coexistence, but that can be created based on a legal license. There are many species, and all of them can differ in terms of song, plumage and environmental needs.

In the hangman game about wild birds, you must complete the name of the birds before your doll is “hanged”. The challenge is launched! Remember the rules of the game and good luck!

Hangman game rules

  1. Each player in your round must speak a letter;
  2. If you have the letter in the word, you must write it in the indicated place and continue playing;
  3. If you don't have the letter in the word, you must draw a member of the doll on the gallows and pass the turn to the opponent;
  4. To draw the doll, first start with the head, followed by the torso, legs, arms, eyes, nose and mouth;
  5. During the round, the player can try to guess the word, but if he makes a mistake, he adds a part of the doll;
  6. The player loses if the doll is fully drawn on the gallows;
  7. The player wins if he hits the word before completing the doll.

1st gallows game

Hint: It is a small bird native to the Azores and the Canary Islands.

Hangman game.

Still not able to identify which is the wild bird with the letters available? If not, check out one more below!

Hangman game.

Did you find these tips important? Now you are more familiar with the hangman game. This will give you the confidence to do better in the next round. At the end of the article you can check the answer.

Let's go to another challenge. The rules and tips are the same, and whoever starts is the winning opponent.

2nd gallows game: Tropical bird from South America that stands out for its large and colorful beak.

Hangman game.

This gallows might be easier, especially if you managed to hit without needing to see the image below. However, if you still need strength to identify this wild bird, see one more letter below. Once that's done, the answers to the challenges will be at the end of the article and you can identify if you nailed them!

Hangman game.

Final anwser

Were you able to reveal which were the wild birds? Congratulations! You must know many species of birds. But if you didn't guess the words, don't be discouraged! On our website you will find more games like this one to train your knowledge. And below you can see the correct answers to the two challenges:

Hangman game.
Hangman game.

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