Many people like to mock those who are going through a period of midlife crises, even believing that they do not exist. But did you know that this is, yes, possible?
There are many signs that may indicate that we are in middle age, making us reflect more on how we are living and how we want to be in the coming years.
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If you want to know if you're going through this crisis, today we've brought you some information about these common signs and behaviors that you should pay attention to, especially to know how to act. Follow next!
1. Feeling Ugly and Old
It is common for us to worry about how we are physically, besides, the aging process is natural for everyone. But for those in a midlife crisis, this concern is even greater.
That's because they feel ugly and old all the time, and every sign of agingthat the body gives can become a great obsession.
2. Feeling bored all the time
Another common sign that people who are going through a midlife crisis feel is boredom at any time of the day, even if your routine is more hectic.
It's as if you no longer find joy in doing what you used to do, and you seem to lack the energy to face your daily activities. Not feeling willing to do the things you enjoy can be alarming.
3. want to disappear
People in middle age, even if they have been living the same life for many years, when they are going through a crisis, they feel the desire to disappear or escape their routine at any time.
It is common for these individuals to have this desire, but in the crisis, this feeling brings the feeling of being trapped. Therefore, they want to have a life different from the one they already had, and they work hard to make it a reality.
4. Act like you don't have time
People who go through middle age also tend to act as if they don't have more time, it's like you're always behind, and you haven't achieved what you've always dreamed of.
The feeling that time is running out can be a sign of someone in crisis, and therefore it is common. that you make a list of all the wishes and dreams you want to fulfill and try to do everything you can before.
5. Having a need to be welcomed
People going through a midlife crisis feel the need to be held at all times, as if they seek empathy from the people around them as well as understanding about what they are living.
That's because the feeling of loneliness at this stage it can be a reality, and this is one of the biggest signs.