Portuguese doctor born in Mirandela, Trás-os-Montes, hence the nickname Mirandela, one of the most respected doctors of his time and author of the famous book Socorro Délfico to the cries of human nature for the full disclosure of its ills, edited in three parts, in Miguel Diaz's Workshop, Amsterdam (1710), with two new editions (1731/1760).
He annotated and had the book Madeira Ilustrado, by Duarte Madeira Arrais, reprinted, and also published another well-known work in his time: Medicinal Anchor to Preserve Life with Health, Lisbon, at Oficina da Música, (1721), with later editions (1731/1731/1749/1754).
He died in Lisbon after having published other valuable works such as the Single Treaty and Administration of Azougue, in cases where it is prohibited, Lisbon (1708), Method of knowing and curing the morbo, Lisbon (1715), Medicinal Âchora to preserve life in health, Lisbon: na Officina da Música (1721) and Aquilegio medicinal, Western Lisbon: at the Officina da Musica (1726), where he deals with the water from syrups, fountains, rivers, wells, lakes, and cisterns of the kingdom of Portugal and of the Algarves.
Source: http://www.dec.ufcg.edu.br/biografias/
Order F - Biography - Brazil School
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biografia/francisco-da-fonseca-henriques-mirandela.htm