O Gas Allowance is among the various benefits offered by the Federal Government.
Recently, the Union announced that the next benefit payment will be made in June, as this is a bimonthly program.
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In addition, those who still do not receive the Gas Aid, but wish to receive it, can appeal to get it. Find out how in the next topics!
See how to receive the Gas Aid
The selection of beneficiaries of the aid Gas is carried out exclusively based on the information provided in the CadÚnico register (Single Register for Social Programs of the Federal Government).
This register, which gathers information on the socioeconomic situation of the families, is used as a basis for selection.
Every two months, the candidates have the opportunity to verify that they have been selected to receive the Gas Allowance.
During this period, the Ministry of Social Development, Family and Fight against Hunger carries out the selection of beneficiaries.
It is important to emphasize that the selection is made in a transparent and impartial way, taking into account socioeconomic criteria established by the program.
After all, who has access to this aid?
To apply for Gas Aid, citizens must be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico) and their per capita income must not exceed half the minimum wage.
These requirements are essential to ensure that aid is intended for families who really need it.
In addition, the Ministry points out that priority in the selection will be given to families that have at least one beneficiary member of the Benefit of Continuous Provision (BPC) of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS).
This measure aims to direct aid to those who face greater social vulnerability.
The program also includes Bolsa Família, another benefit that helps families in poverty.
Bolsa Família beneficiaries have priority in the selection process for the Gas Aid.
In addition, women who are victims of domestic violence will also benefit from this priority.
Extra tips for getting help
To begin with, it is important that, at the time of registration, you only provide information that is real.
This is because the Ministry can compare the data provided with other available sources and then discover that there was an attempt to deceive the system.
Another important point is to keep the registration always up to date. The ideal is to renew information and access every two years, but this time can be changed if there is any change in the family structure.
Finally, it is important that the candidate is always aware of the Auxílio Gás program and constantly accesses the Bolsa Família or Caixa Tem application to check whether he has been selected.