Are you going to receive visitors, but don't know what to make for lunch? Check out this amazing Portuguese blender pie recipe! This is a great and practical option for those looking for very tasty food, but who don't want to go to so much trouble. Next, check out the ingredients and all the steps in the process.
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For this recipe, we will need to separate the ingredients for both the dough and the filling. In both cases, we have basic culinary ingredients that are very easy to find. Check out:
Dough Recipe
- 3 eggs;
- 2 cups (tea) of whole milk;
- 2 cups (tea) wheat flour;
- 1 cup (tea) oil or olive oil;
- 3 spoons (tea) of baking powder;
- Salt to taste.
filling recipe
- 3 tomatoes, seeded and cut into strips;
- ¾ onion, also cut into strips;
- 3 boiled and diced eggs;
- 150 g of grated mozzarella cheese;
- 200 g of cooked ham in strips;
- 1 cup (tea) pitted pitted olives;
- Salt, olive oil and oregano to taste.
After cutting and chopping all the ingredients and separating the preparation utensils, start making the pie using the dough. In this case, it will be necessary to add the eggs, milk, olive oil, salt, wheat flour and Parmesan cheese to the blender.
After the mixture becomes a homogeneous mass, turn off the blender and add the yeast to the blender itself and use a spoon to incorporate it well. Then, reserve the dough.
In a container, mix the ham, olives, tomatoes, onions and mozzarella cheese. Then, grease a mold with oil and wheat flour, place half of the dough that we reserved and cover with the Ingredients of the aforementioned stuffing. Add the oregano and salt.
Now, put the rest of the dough to the point of covering the stuffing and put some more oregano on top. Finally, take it to the preheated oven at 180º and leave your pie there between 45 to 50 minutes or until it is completely baked. Then, you can serve this delicious pie, which manages to be the hit at every party.