Pickled garlic in olive oil, the trick to make your life easier in the kitchen

If you are used to cooking and are looking for practical solutions to speed up the process as much as possible, we have a special tip for you: pickling garlic in olive oil. With this mixture, you can have a super practical ingredient that will last for weeks in your fridge.

That said, read on and learn how to make this delicious pickled garlic in olive oil!

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Preserve your garlic with olive oil

Getting organized is the main factor to speed up and facilitate the steps when cooking, so looking for some tricks used by chefs can help a lot in your organization, after all, it is not necessary to be a great master of gastronomy to want to make the activity of cooking easier and pleasurable.

With simple tricks, you can save a lot of time in your life with activities that make cooking time more tiring and laborious.

One of these tricks is garlic in oil, with which we can prepare in 30 minutes the garlic that will be used for weeks, as you save yourself the trouble of, every time you need to cook, having to peel and chop the garlic that will be used.

What do you need to make garlic in olive oil?

Realizing the ease of this process, the former Masterchef Mohamad Hindi taught on his YouTube channel how to prepare this preserve.

The time used is just 30 minutes and, first of all, to make it, you will need 3 heads of garlic, olive oil to taste and salt and spices to taste.

How to make?

To do it, it's quite simple, just follow the step by step:

  1. The first step is to loosen the garlic cloves from the head and place them in a plastic container with a lid. From there, cover the container and shake it hard so that the shells are released. Throw the skins and the part that attaches the garlic to the head in the trash;
  2. Grind the peeled garlic together with the spices to be used. When finished, put the salt and mix;
  3. After the process, place the mixture in an airtight glass jar, an important point in order not to spoil the canning;
  4. Finally, it's time to add the oil for more concentrated seasonings, just add enough to cover the mixture, otherwise you can use it as you like.

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