Unconventional Food Plants (PANCs)

Many plants are considered unused by the population, only identified as bush, pest or weed.However, several species can, yes, serve as food and even have great nutritional value. thisyou are vegetables little usedOonly are calledOs of PANCs one acronym for "unconventional food plants" –, a term created in 2008 by Biologist Valdely Ferreira Kinupp.


When we talk about PANCs, we are referring tos plants or The parts of plants that can be used in food, What a are not used in the daily life ofto people in general. These vegetables, however, do not constitute a homogeneous group, like a plant family, and may include, for example, both native and exotic plants, or spontaneously produced plants and cultivated.

It is worth noting that PANCs can be routinely consumed in some regions, so they are not considered in these locations like unconventional. Therefore, we can say that, to be a PANC, the context in which this plant is inserted must be analyzed.

It is very common for people to associate PANCs to those plants that are born alone, spontaneously

.However, not all PANCs follow this characteristic, and some species are cultivated. That's why it is necessary to be aware and use only plants that have their known components in order to avoid any kind of intoxication.

How to consume a PANC

Like all vegetables we know, each PANC has a different way of preparation.Many plants can be consumed in nature, used in the form of juice or in salads. Others can be eaten cooked or braised, and there are still those that must be cooked.

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The obligation to cook is due to the fact that many plants must pass by this process for to eliminate substances that can cause health problems. Others, however, are cooked just to make them softer. Therefore, before preparing a PANC, try to know more about it.

Examples of PANCS

  • Sorrel (Rumex acetosella): Its leaves have an acid taste and can be used in salads and juices.

  • Purslane (talinum paniculatum): You can use your sheets in nature or braised. Its seeds are also edible.

  • Little Capuchin (tropaeolum majus): The leaves, flowers and seeds of this plant can be consumed. It has a spicy flavor and is usually prepared in sauces, spreads, breads and salads, for example.

  • Capiçoba (Erechtites valerianifolius): It can be used raw, in salads, and sautéed or as a seasoning. It has a spicy taste.

  • Caruru (Amaranthus spp.): It has a flavor similar to spinach and, for consumption, it must be bleached. It is used to accompany meat or prepared with beans.

  • Ora-pro-nobis (Pereskia aculeata, Pereskia bleo and Pereskia grandifolia): It stands out for being rich in protein and fiber. Used in fillings and as a colorant. Leaves and fruits are edible.

  • Taioba (xanthosoma taioba): The leaves, stalks and potatoes can be eaten, however they must be bleached or cooked. This vegetable should not be eaten raw.

Heads up: Do not consume plants that you do not know about their origin or identification, as many can be toxic.
By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Unconventional Food Plants (PANCs)"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude/plantas-alimenticias-nao-convencionais-pancs.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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