Homemade bread that doesn't need to be kneaded: Learn how to prepare this wonder!

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Bread is a super present food in the culture of several countries. There are several different types, with the most varied ingredients and ways of preparation. That's why today we're going to teach you a recipe for homemade bread that you don't need to knead. Keep reading and check it out!

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Did you know that there are records that say that 30,000 years ago they already made bread in Europe? Among controversies of “you can” or “you can't”, “it's fattening”, “it's not fattening”, the fact is that this food has a symbolic, cultural and even religious value. It is very easy to prepare at home and, in addition, it is great at any time of the day.

In the rush of everyday life, we don't always have time to prepare super elaborate recipes, do we? With that in mind, it's always worth getting to know practical and delicious preparations, as well as this bread that you and your family are sure to love!

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This recipe makes about 10 servings, for a larger amount just double the proportions of ingredients. As for the total preparation time, it is approximately 1 hour and a half.

Ingredient list:

  • 300 ml of cow's milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter or margarine;
  • 2 whole eggs;
  • 3 cups of unleavened wheat flour tea;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 table spoon of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of dry biological yeast or 10g of granulated yeast.

Method of preparation:

First, take the milk to the fire along with the butter and wait for it to melt. The temperature of this mixture to use in the recipe must be lukewarm, so if it gets too hot, wait until it cools down.

Then add all the dry items into a container, make a space in the middle, add the eggs and milk with the butter. Note that this mixture should form a very soft and sticky dough, similar to cake dough.

Afterwards, book. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes to rise.

Grease a mold with butter or margarine, sprinkle with wheat flour and add the dough.

Preheat the oven to 180°C for about 10 minutes and then put the dough to bake. This recipe usually takes 30 to 45 minutes to prepare, but it depends a lot on the brand of oven.

Pay close attention while the bread bakes, when it starts to brown it means it's ready.

Consume this freshly baked bread with the side dishes of your choice!


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