MEC launches contest to reward exemplary actions in the educational area

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Fostering governance and integrity, the Ministry of Education (MEC) announces the launch of the innovative Best Practices Contest. Ordinance No. 1,190, which establishes the rules for the contest, was published today, June 27th, in the Official Gazette of the Union.

In this first edition of the contest, initiatives promoted by bodies and entities that aim to improve governance and integrity will be recognized and awarded. The objective is to encourage and highlight good practices in these areas within the MEC and its related entities.

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The Special Advice on Internal Control (AECI) of the MEC will be responsible for organizing the contest, covering all units and secretariats of the Ministry, as well as its related entities, with the exception of AECI.

Competition categories announced by MEC and entries

Contest categories include enhancement for:

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  • Public integrity;
  • Strengthening risk management;
  • Administrative internal controls;
  • Improvement of ombudsman activities;
  • Improvement of correctional activity;
  • Application of the Anti-Corruption Law;
  • Improvement of internal audit activities;
  • Improvement of transparency and active passive and social participation.

Each unit of the Ministry of Education, along with institutions linked to the Federal Government, may register up to two experiences in each category described above.

Those interested in participating in the contest must fill out a form, which will be available in PDF format, and send it to the e-mail [email protected] and/or through the SEI Process. Registration will begin on July 3rd and will be available until August 22nd of this year.

The institution wishing to obtain more information about the contest will be able to find all the details through the portal dedicated to the competition.

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