UNBELIEVABLE! Woman decides to live in Tesla with dog and cat

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Have you ever thought about giving up a fixed residence to start venturing into a car? A girl who shares her life on TikTok and YouTube decided to become a hiker and live aboard a Tesla with only her pet dog and cat as companions.

This lifestyle prioritizes greater freedom, from a car that becomes both home and vehicle at the same time.

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Woman lives in a Tesla car with her dog


In the vast world of lifestyle choices, some people choose to take a less conventional path. This is the case of Stephanie, a fearless and adventurous woman who made the decision to live in a Tesla car.

The car costs around US$ 47,000, equivalent to R$ 235,000, and can be charged using batteries available on the streets of Canadian cities, where Stephanie comes from. In a month, she spends the equivalent of R$150 on energy, much less than rent.

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The Adventures of Stephanie, Finley and Snow

Accompanied by her faithful cat Finley and adorable dog Snow, Stephanie embarked on an unusual journey, embracing simplicity. On her profile, known as Little Hippy Gal, she shows her routine.

One of the main difficulties, says the influencer, is finding bathrooms to shower. In that case, she seeks out her friends who live in apartments and are helpful, allowing her unexpected visits.

Before leaving the comfortable space where she lived, she found no meaning in everyday tasks. At home, even with her family, she realized that her possibilities of discovering new things were restricted.

Courageous! The young woman dropped everything to live on the road

Despite the challenges, she has managed to adapt to the spacious Tesla Model Y, which has an autonomous driving hub. In addition to being a sustainable option, the back seats received a mattress and some trunks.

That way, Stephanie can store her belongings and everything Finley and Snow need, from food to toys. Enjoying this feeling freedom, the young woman takes the opportunity to camp and enjoy nature.


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