Phrases and quotes by Magda Soares, literacy researcher

Phrases and quotes from Magda Soares are true inspirations. This is because she is one of the greatest authorities in the area of ​​literacy and literacy in Brazil. Reference in Child education, has numerous textbooks published, including those that were used in the years from 1970 to 1990 in the country.

With an emphasis on teaching the Portuguese language, she highlights the importance of learning, both in the writing system, through grammatical rules, as in the understanding of reading texts and the written.

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Passionate about Education, teacher and researcher Magda Soares never denied her dissatisfaction with the teaching method used in Brazil, in which he harshly criticizes the National Literacy Plan (PNA). His phrases and quotations are accurate, which leads us to reflect on the education of children, adolescents, young people and adults in Brazil.

Main reflections of Magda Soares

Magda Soares always has good thoughts about education, reading and writing. Including technology, which is increasingly present in people's lives, and, above all, in children and adolescents.

“Perhaps 30, 50 years ago people read more and better books, magazines, newspapers… Nowadays, these paper text holders face competition from text holders on screens (TVs, computers, cell phones, digital games), who also demand reading. If we consider the multiplication, in recent decades, of texts, therefore, of reading proposals, in numerous social contexts, in different forms and supports, perhaps it can be said that today one reads more. It remains to be discussed whether we can regret that these new reading proposals are taking people away from reading on paper. The use of the verb 'regret' reveals a value judgment that I make, and many others do too”;

“Learning to read means appropriating a linguistic object — written language — complex as well as abstract. That is why teaching to read requires knowledge of a linguistic nature about this object of knowledge, the written language — for example, knowledge of phonology, spelling, of the syllabic structures of Portuguese —, and knowledge of a psychological nature — for example, the psychogenesis of written language, cognitive psychology, psychology of the development";

“Digital reading is easier and faster, because the texts must be, by nature, brief (I am excluding the reading of information searched on the internet, from books, newspapers, magazines in screen), and this has been creating a certain impatience among young people when reading longer texts, which demand more time and more reflection, with obvious implications for the formation of readers at the moment";

“The problem is not the literacy method, it is literacy without method”;

“The popular strata have to fight hard against discrimination and injustice. Literacy and literacy have this objective: to give people mastery of the language as an instrument of insertion in society and fight for fundamental rights”;

“The most powerful social weapon of struggle is language control”;

“This is the problem with Brazilian education: the aim is to solve only the number of desks in the classrooms. There is a lack of quality in teaching and, therefore, in learning”.

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