See how to store bread longer at home

Who doesn't love a bun fresh out of the oven? One of the most popular foods in Brazilian homes, it is a practically indispensable item in the breakfast of many. However, when purchased in large quantities, it can be difficult to consume them without them hardening and drying out quickly.

Fortunately, there are some tricks to slow this process down. check below how to store bread longer at home.

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Often, even if the bread gets a little harder after a while, it is still possible to use it to make other foods, such as toast, radish or even the famous vatapá.

How to prevent bread from spoiling faster?

An excellent tip that is very effective and popular among bakers is to use celery. Basically, this plant will work as a natural preservative and prevent your bread from drying out faster. In a well-sealed bag, store the two foods together, which will allow the moisture from the celery to freshen the roll. If you prefer, you can replace it with potato slices, apples or even a lump of sugar.

Of course, some other storage issues are also essential. Among them, paying attention to the temperature of the environment in which it is stored is one of the most important, since the bread must be stored in a cool place, between 14 and 18 degrees Celsius.

If you prefer, you can also freeze them. So, just put them in a sealed bag, with as little air as possible, and take them to the freezer. To consume, just heat them in the oven for a few minutes, but at a moderate temperature so that the bread does not harden. This is one of the tastiest ways to make very crispy toast.

Including, speaking of toast, it's also important to keep the breads whole so they stay fresh. They should only be sliced ​​at the time of consumption.

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